This server uses a warning system
first rule broken is a warning
second rule broken is a temp ban
third rule broken is a longer and/or perm ban
1. No greifing
Do not destroy, alter or otherwise change another players builds without their permission.

2. No theft
Do not take, replace or use another players items without their permission.

3. No discrimination
No-one should have to feel shame for their sexuality, race, ethnicity, political beliefs or subjects of a similar matter. discussion of these topics should be kept to a minimum and ALWAYS non malicious. Keep chat AND buildings respectful.

4. No cheating
Cheating brings an unfair disadvantage to those around you. anyone found cheating in any part of the server will be given an appropriate punishment.

5. Common sense
Admins won't have any bias and will punish in a way they see fair. if you disagree with any punishment given to you, email us with your Minecraft username and why you believe you didn't receive the correct punishment

6. Be nice to the server
Any attempts to lower the server's performance, whether this be via redstone lag machines, or creating an excessive amount of entities in small areas is not allowed.